The Adventure Begins! (Ada)


The Adventure begins

When we left Piers island with my grandparents, I was feeling excited\upset, because I was going to miss my friends on the island. We had had a ton of fun times with them, but then again, I wanted to get moving onto new adventures! We had started a countdown since the end of May and our leave date was mid August. Anyway, we left for Pender island, it took us about 3 hours to get there and let me tell you I don’t like the hours and hours of motoring or sailing! I’m more of a “let’s just be there already” kind of person, however that’s not how it works. When we got there, I loved it! There were beaches surrounding us and I could not wait to go ashore! When we finally went ashore my family and I went to look for a good place to beach our dingy, it took us a while, but we eventually found one. When my dad came back from getting my grandparents, we went exploring. We didn’t find much other than some outhouses and a little island that my grandpa took us kids to while the other adults rested. When we came back, we left for the boat.  Things were awesome! But then guess what happened! Our friends the Petries came in on their boat Asante Sana! When they came over we went paddle tubing (towed around by the dingy on the paddle board) and since we were in the northern pacific ocean we wore wetsuits, we also just swam around our boat (in wetsuits!) after a nice night at that anchorage we left for Port Browning, another anchorage on Pender but on north Pender now. We spent a week there exploring, and swimming in the pool at the marina and saying goodbye to our grandparents. After that we went to Salt Spring where my other grandparents are. We enjoyed hanging out with our cousins, and grandparents. However, the water was not as clean as I would have hoped, and we were in the middle of a sea plane landing area… so our nights were not as enjoyable as they could have been. We went to the Saturday market and got gelatos and all in all we had a pretty fun time!  It was sad to leave to go back to Piers Island (which I wasn’t looking forward to) but we said goodbye to some friends, and said goodbye to our friends on Piers (for the 2nd time!). We left for the U.S.A which was an 8 hour trip☹. When we got to Port Angeles WA, I was so excited to be in the United states!!! That night we went out for supper, the food was amazing! The next day we went shopping. It was a 30 minute walk there so we had to get a taxi back, that is just my brother Lochlan and my sister Bronwyn and my dad went with the groceries while my other sister Riley and my mom went birthday shopping for Bronwyn. Lets just say it took us a lot longer than expected. We left the next which was also Bronwyn’s birthday! But everyone was sick (except for dad), and it was the beginning of our 5 day passage that was not fun at all. In those 5 days we had puking family members, Bronwyn’s 9th birthday, and… we caught an albacore tuna, yay! That was my very 1st fish that was not a little rock fish in Sidney BC!


After the 5 days were up, we went into Crescent City CA (and yes, we passed by all of Washington & Oregon US!) we very much enjoyed no movement and a meal that we felt like eating😊. The next day was my 13th birthday!!! I was a teenager! I ended up getting my favourite book series (the Hero’s of Olympus), and a very nice hoodie! That day we went shopping to try and find something to buy with my money, I had $70 CAN ($53 US). We also went to see the new Lion King movie, and before that went to Jack in the box for dinner! I had an amazing birthday!!!


 We were thinking of staying in Crescent city for about a week, to wait out some bad weather. My parents made some friends with some other couples who were also waiting for better weather. While we waited, we went to the farmers market, we went shopping, and went to a thrift store that sold kittens that we could cuddle!!! They were so cute! We also went to the beach by the marina, it was pretty nice there, but I was definitely looking forward to more tropical beaches! After 6 days we left for Half Moon Bay CA.
